Pathfinder Familiar Slots

The familiar must conform to any limitations of the evolution. For instance, no familiars can benefit from the mount evolution and only familiars with wings can take the wing buffet evolution. If you gain a new familiar, your old familiar loses all evolutions, and you can select a new 1-point evolution for the new familiar. School familiars are tightly bound to the power of their master’s chosen school of magic. A school familiar cannot have any other familiar archetype (see page 10). At the GM’s discretion, other schools of magic (such as elemental arcane schools from Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic) may have their own school familiars. Familiars Source Core Rulebook pg. You gain one additional spell slot at least 3 levels lower than your highest-level spell slot; you must be able to cast 4th-level spells using spell slots to select this master ability. Spell Delivery (Core Rulebook pg. 218 2.0): If your familiar is in your space, you can cast a spell with a range. The following table presents all of the animal companions and familiars available to characters, divided into general categories that loosely define their body type as well as which magic item slots are available to them. Available slots followed by either “(saddle)”.

Question on inheriting an item familiar (p.173 Unearthed Arcana).
For example: A 5th level wizard PC picks up a ring that was the recently deceased 6th level evil cleric's item familiar. It is a ring of protection +2.
Somehow he discovers its true nature and when the wizard gains a level he takes the Item Familiar feat and links with the ring. The rings alignment changes with the new owner.
The evil cleric had invested 6 skill ranks in the ring: Concentration 2 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks, and Spellcraft 2 ranks.
Question: Does the wizard get the 6 ranks for free (already invested in the ring)?
Does he get the 2 +1 bonuses to skills? (from the invested 6 ranks)
Next the cleric had invested a spell slot in the ring of his highest level (6th level cleric, so a 3rd level spell). He got a 1st level spell in return.
Question: Does the wizard get the invested spell slot of 1st level? of 3rd level? both?
Does he get anything at all since it is a divine spell slot and not an arcane one?
I'm pretty sure he gets all the skill ranks, but I don't know about the spell slots.
According to Unearthed Arcana page 173 'If the item familiar had invested skill ranks and/or spell slots, those investments become accessible to the new owner, adding to his totals. If the item familiar has spell slots, the new master can access them only if he could cast spells of the appropriate levels.'
Just looking for confirmation. A new owner would get ALL of the investments the previous owner made, right?
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A character with an item familiar may choose to invest a single spell slot in his familiar and gain a bonus spell slot in return. The single spell slot must be of the highest spell level he can cast, and the bonus spell slot is always two levels lower than the slot invested in the item.

Familiars are mystically bonded creatures tied to your magic. Most familiars were originally animals, though the ritual of becoming a familiar makes them something more. You can choose a Tiny animal you want as your familiar, such as a bat, cat, raven, or snake. Some familiars are different, usually described in the ability that granted you a familiar; for example, a druid’s leshy familiar is a Tiny plant instead of an animal, formed from a minor nature spirit.

Familiars have the minion trait, so during an encounter, they gain 2 actions in a round if you spend an action to command them. If your familiar dies, you can spend a week of downtime to replace it at no cost. You can have only one familiar at a time.



  • Familiar and Master Abilities
    • Familiar Abilities
    • Master Abilities

Familiar and Master Abilities

Each day, you channel your magic into two abilities, which can be either familiar or master abilities. If your familiar is an animal that naturally has one of these abilities (for instance, an owl has a fly Speed), you must select that ability. Your familiar can’t be an animal that naturally has more familiar abilities than your daily maximum familiar abilities.

Familiars are mystically bonded creatures tied to your magic. Most familiars were originally animals, though the ritual of becoming a familiar makes them something more. You can choose a Tiny animal you want as your familiar, such as a bat, cat, raven, or snake. Some familiars are different, usually described in the ability that granted you a familiar; for example, a druid’s leshy familiar is a Tiny plant instead of an animal, formed from a minor nature spirit.

Familiars have the minion trait, so during an encounter, they gain 2 actions in a round if you spend an action to command them. If your familiar dies, you can spend a week of downtime to replace it at no cost. You can have only one familiar at a time.

Modifiers and AC


Your familiar’s save modifiers and AC are equal to yours before applying circumstance or status bonuses or penalties. Its Perception, Acrobatics, and Stealth modifiers are equal to your level plus your spellcasting ability modifier (Charisma if you don’t have one, unless otherwise specified). If it attempts an attack roll or other skill check, it uses your level as its modifier. It doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses.

Hit Points

Your familiar has 5 Hit Points for each of your levels.


Your familiar is Tiny.


Your familiar has low-light vision and can gain additional senses from familiar abilities. It can communicate empathically with you as long as it’s within 1 mile of you, sharing emotions. It doesn’t understand or speak languages normally, but it can gain speech from a familiar ability.


Pathfinder Familiar Slots

Your familiar has either a Speed of 25 feet or a swim Speed of 25 feet (choose one upon gaining the familiar). It can gain other movement types from familiar abilities.

Familiar and Master Abilities

Each day, you channel your magic into two abilities, which can be either familiar or master abilities. If your familiar is an animal that naturally has one of these abilities (for instance, an owl has a fly Speed), you must select that ability. Your familiar can’t be an animal that naturally has more familiar abilities than your daily maximum familiar abilities.

Familiar Abilities


Source PF2APG

Your familiar helps you perform. Whenever you attempt a Performance check, if your familiar is nearby and can act, it accompanies you with chirps, claps, or its own miniature instrument. This grants you a +1 circumstance bonus, or +2 if you’re a master in Performance.


Source PF2CRB

It gains a swim Speed of 25 feet (or Speed of 25 feet if it already has a swim Speed).


Source PF2CRB

It gains a burrow Speed of 5 feet, allowing it to dig Tiny holes.


Source PF2CRB

It gains a climb Speed of 25 feet.

Pathfinder Find Familiar

Damage Avoidance

Source PF2CRB

Choose one type of save. It takes no damage when it succeeds at that type of save; this doesn’t prevent effects other than damage.


Source PF2CRB

It gains darkvision.

Fast Movement

Source PF2CRB

Increase one of the familiar’s Speeds from 25 feet to 40 feet.


Source PF2CRB

It gains a fly Speed of 25 feet.

Focused Rejuvenation

Source PF2APG

When you Refocus, you generate magical energy that heals your familiar. Your familiar regains 1 Hit Point per level whenever you Refocus.


Source PF2APG

In an encounter, if you don’t Command your familiar, it still gains 1 action each round. Typically, you still decide how it spends that action, but, the GM might determine that your familiar chooses its own tactics rather than performing your preferred action.


Source PF2CRB

It can understand and speak with animals of the same species. To select this, your familiar must be an animal, it must have the speech ability, and you must be at least 6th level.

Lab Assistant

Source PF2CRB

It can use your Quick Alchemy action. You must have Quick Alchemy, and your familiar must be in your space. This has the same cost and requirement as if you used it. It must have the manual dexterity ability to select this.

Manual Dexterity

Source PF2CRB

It can use up to two of its limbs as if they were hands to use manipulate actions.

Master’s Form

Source PF2APG

Your familiar can change shape as a single action, transforming into a humanoid of your ancestry with the same age, gender, and build of its true form, though it always maintains a clearly unnatural remnant of its nature, such as a cat’s eyes or a serpent’s tongue. This form is always the same each time it uses this ability. This otherwise uses the effects of humanoid form, except the change is purely cosmetic. It only appears humanoid and gains no new capabilities. Your familiar must have the manual dexterity and speech abilities to select this.

Partner in Crime

Source PF2APG

Your familiar is your criminal associate. Despite being a minion, your familiar gains 1 reaction at the start of its turns, which it can use only to Aid you on a Deception or Thievery skill check (it still has to prepare to help you as normal for the Aid reaction). It automatically succeeds at its check to Aid you with those skills or automatically critically succeeds if you’re a master of the skill in question.

Plant Form

Source PF2APG

Your plant familiar can change shape as a single action, transforming into a Tiny plant of a type roughly similar to the familiar’s nature. This otherwise uses the effects of tree shape. You must have a familiar with the plant trait, such as a leshy, to select this ability.

Poison Reservoir


Source PF2APG

Pathfinder Familiar Magic Item Slots

Your homunculus familiar has a reservoir for poison, allowing it to apply an injury poison to an adjacent ally’s exposed weapon with a single Interact action. You must supply the poison and instill it into this reservoir using two consecutive Interact actions. You must have a homunculus familiar to select this ability.


Source PF2APG

Choose two of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, poison, or sonic. Your familiar gains resistance equal to half your level against the chosen damage types.


Source PF2CRB

It gains scent (imprecise, 30 feet).


Source PF2APG

Choose a skill other than Acrobatics or Stealth. Your familiar’s modifier for that skill is equal to your level plus your key spellcasting ability modifier, rather than just your level. You can select this ability repeatedly, choosing a different skill each time.


Source PF2CRB

Pathfinder Familiar Item Slots

It understands and speaks a language you know.


Source PF2APG

Choose a spell in your repertoire or that you prepared today that is at least 5 levels lower than your highest-level spell slot. Your familiar can Cast that Spell once per day using your magical tradition, spell attack modifier, and spell DC. If the spell has a drawback that affects the caster, both you and your familiar are affected. You must be able to cast 6th-level spells using spell slots to select this ability.


Source PF2APG

Your familiar can carry a set of tools of up to light Bulk. So long as your familiar is adjacent to you, you can draw and replace the tools as part of the action that uses them as if you were wearing them. Your familiar must have the manual dexterity ability to select this.

Touch Telepathy

Source PF2APG

Your familiar can telepathically communicate with you via touch. If it also has the speech ability, it can telepathically communicate via touch with any creature if they share a language.


Source PF2APG

Your familiar’s maximum Hit Points increase by 2 per level.


Source PF2APG

You can command your familiar to deliver you items more efficiently. Your familiar doesn’t use its 2 actions immediately upon your command. Instead, up to twice before the end of your turn, you can have your familiar Interact to retrieve an item of light or negligible Bulk you are wearing and place it into one of your free hands. The familiar can’t use this ability to retrieve stowed items. If the familiar has a different number of actions, it can retrieve one item for each action it has when commanded this way.

Master Abilities

Cantrip Connection

Source PF2CRB

You can prepare an additional cantrip, or if you have a repertoire, instead designate a cantrip to add to your repertoire every time you select this ability; you can retrain it but can’t otherwise change it. You must be able to prepare cantrips or add them to your repertoire to select this.

Extra Reagents

Source PF2CRB

Your familiar grows extra infused reagents on or in its body. You gain an additional batch of infused reagents. You must have the infused reagents ability to select this ability.

Familiar Focus

Source PF2CRB

Once per day, your familiar can use 2 actions with the concentrate trait to regain 1 Focus Point, up to your usual maximum. You must have a focus pool to select this.

Pathfinder familiar stats

Innate Surge

Source PF2APG

Once per day, you can draw upon your familiar’s innate magic to replenish your own. You can cast one innate spell gained from an ancestry feat that you have already cast today. You must still Cast the Spell and meet the spell’s other requirements.


Source PF2CRB

If your familiar would be reduced to 0 HP by damage, as a reaction with the concentrate trait, you can take the damage. If you do, you take all the damage and your familiar takes none. However, if special effects when a hit damages your familiar (such as snake venom) still apply to your familiar.

Share Senses

Source PF2APG

Once every 10 minutes, you can use a single action with the concentrate trait to project your senses into your familiar. When you do, you lose all sensory information from your own body, but can sense through your familiar’s body for up to 1 minute. You can Dismiss this effect.

Spell Battery

Source PF2CRB

You gain one additional spell slot at least 3 levels lower than your highest-level spell slot; you must be able to cast 4th-level spells using spell slots to select this master ability.

Spell Delivery

Source PF2CRB

Pathfinder Familiar Slots Online

If your familiar is in your space, you can cast a spell with a range of touch, transfer its power to your familiar, and command the familiar to deliver the spell. If you do, the familiar uses its 2 actions for the round to move to a target of your choice and touch that target. If it doesn’t reach the target to touch it this turn, the spell has no effect.

Wizard Familiars Pathfinder

Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition) © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Designers: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter.