Which Is The Best Roulette Betting System

Have you ever stood by a Roulette table at a casino and watched players stack chips on the same bet with complete calmness, even after losing several bets in a row and watching their bankroll dwindle from mountains of chips into almost nothing? Most Roulette players would sweat profusely at an endless string of losses. But some players - the cool and collected ones - don't seem to mind.

There's one of two things going on here. Either they're very rich. Or they subscribe to a Roulette betting system. Have you heard of them? Roulette betting systems are strategies that Roulette players use to make money. It's not necessarily about where you place your bet. It's about how you bet. There are tons of different strategies, but today we're going to walk you through four of the best ones. So read on before you place any more bets at the online Roulette wheel.

The Martingale System

Betting on Dozens and Columns is great. There are so many combinations on can use to beat the roulette. Bet only one Dozen or two dozens or Two dozens and two Columns simultaneously or even Well, the possibilities are limitless. Follow the last two dozens that hit? Or bet for the sleeper column and the. Most people will tell you roulette is a game of luck. We’re not going to lie – where the ball lands on the wheel is completely random. But there are well-known betting systems you can employ that give you a fair chance of turning a profit. The good news is, you don’t have to risk a cent trying any of these systems out.

When new Roulette players step up to the wheel and try to use a system for the first time, there's a good chance they're employing the Martingale System. It's one of the easiest ones to grasp, which is why so many players use it. Here's how it works.

Every time you lose a bet at the Roulette wheel, you double your wager for the next bet. That's really all there is to it. For example, start with a $5 bet. If you lose it, bet $10 on your next bet. Lose that one and you'll need to bet $20. Lose that bet? You'll need to drop $40 down. Lost again? No worries, just drop $80 on the table.

We know what you're thinking. You just dropped $155 on the table and you've got nothing to show for it. But here's the thing. On your next bet you'll need to drop $160. And if you win that bet on a wager that pays 1:1, you'll win $160. Take into account your $155 in losses and you're now up $5.

The system, invented by Paul Levy in 1934 and developed later on by Joseph Leo Doob, is based on the idea that chances of hitting a ridiculous number of losses in a row is pretty slim, especially if you keep betting on the same colour or on evens and odds. So does it work? Lots of Roulette players swear by it. But if you hit a string of losses, recouping could take a lot longer than you'd expect.

And here's the other thing. In real land-based casinos, you could hit a Roulette wheel with a $200 or $500 maximum. If you reach the table max and you haven't hit a win, you won't be able to double your money anymore, and that'll set you back even further.

The Anti-Martingale System

The whole idea of the Martingale System is that you'll be able to recoup your losses. But losing isn't fun, and the problem with hitting the maximum bet and not being able to double your losses presents a problem. That's why the Anti-Martingale System was invented. Instead of doubling bets on all losses in an effort to gain back what you've lost, the Anti-Martingale System requires the player to double their bets on wins and lower them on losses. The goal of this system is to take advantage of hot streaks as opposed to trying to build up a bankroll that's fallen low.

The Laboucher System

The Martingale System is pretty straightforward. You don't need a math degree to figure that one out. The Laboucher System, however, requires a bit more concentration. You'll need a pad and paper for this one. If you're playing at an online casino, you can use the text editor or notepad on your PC or Mac. If you're playing Roulette at a real casino, just ask the pit boss for a pen and paper. They'll gladly provide you with one.

Roulette Cheat Sheet

If you don't know what you are doing, roulette can be a quick way to lose your bankroll. Don't panic, because we've got you covered. Our strategy guide will walk you through the game of roulette, helping you to avoid the major pitfalls that trap the uninitiated.

And start right by getting our roulette odds chart. Get a larger version by clicking the image and keep it with you when you play.

Download Now Now that you know what tools you need for this one, let's run through the basics. First, you'll need to select 5 consecutive numbers. These numbers have nothing to do with the numbers on the Roulette board. You're simply concerned with values that you want to bet.

Let's use the numbers 1+2+3+4+5 for this example. Each number in the example is a unit of betting (the value of a chip). And the total of the five numbers is the amount of money you'd like to win.

To arrive at your bet amount for every spin, just add the first and last number in your sequence. But those numbers won't stay static for very long. Each time you win a bet, you'll want to cross the first and last number off the list. If you lose a bet, you need to write down the number you just lost at the end of the sequence.

Using our example of 1+2+3+4+5, you'll wager $6 on your first bet (that's 1+5). If you lose, go ahead and add the 6 to the end of the sequence. You should now have 1+2+3+4+5+6. Your new bet? That would be $7 (1+6). Did you win? Go ahead and cross off the 1 and the 6 off your list. Your next bet $7 again.

The advantage of the Laboucher System is that you won't hit the house maximum as fast as you would with the Martingale System. But after just a few losses, you'll see your sequence of numbers get bigger and the potential to lose more money will increase.

The Red System

Take a look at the Roulette board when you have a chance. There's something special about the third column. Do you see it? There's only four black numbers on the board. The rest? Red. And eight of them. That's way different than what you see in the middle column (eight black and four red) or in the first column (six red, six black). The Red System of Roulette betting stakes advantage of the last column.

With The Red System, you place a $5 bet on the third column and a $10 bet on black. Notwithstanding hitting single or double zeroes, here are your four possible outcomes.

  1. You hit a red number in Column 3. This gives you a $10 win for your $5 column bet, but a $10 loss on your black bet. You just broke even.
  2. You hit a black number in Column 3. This gives you a $10 win for your $5 column bet and a $10 win for your black bet. That's a $20 win.
  3. You hit a red number in Column 2 or Column 3. You don't win anything. In fact, you lose $15.
  4. You hit a black number in Column 2 or Column 3. You lose your $5 column bet, but you end up winning $10 on your black bet. You're now up $5.

With this betting system, the only outcomes that will put you in the hole are hitting red in Column 2 or Column 3, or hitting zero or double zero. Every other bet will leave you with a win or breaking even.

Unfortunately, the whole idea of breaking even means that the Red System leaves you waiting forever to see any type of big gain, particularly if you keep hitting a break-even bet.

A final word about Roulette betting systems

We only covered four different Roulette betting systems - and believe us, there are tons more. The mere fact that some of these Roulette betting systems contradict one another means that some systems work better for some people than others.

Remember, Roulette is all about getting lucky. There's really no fool proof method to winning at online Roulette or the live version. But just as some casino players get lucky with every spin, others find luck in betting systems. Our advice? Try a Roulette betting system out for free by playing at Roulette casinos that offer play-money versions of their games. You'll be able to see if a specific betting system has any value without losing any of your own money.

Online Roulette FAQ

Do roulette systems work?

Yes…and no. They don't guarantee any sort of result, but can often be a better option than aimlessly placing bets around the table. While it's not guaranteed success, enough people used them to their advantage to make them notable enough to be mentioned on sites like this one! Also keep in mind that if they worked all the time, everyone would use them (and casinos would probably drop the game).

Should I use a betting system?

Especially if you are new to the game, a betting system can be a great way to help make your money last (and potentially multiply) without aimlessly throwing your money on the table and hoping for a big hit. However, it might be a smart choice to avoid picking one of 'the go big or go home' strategies (such as the Martingale) that increase your bet size extremely quickly.

Are they proven to work in the long-term?

Nope. While systems might give you slightly better chances of winning versus someone betting sporadically, the odds on each spin are still the same and roulette will always be a game of chance.

If I don't use a system, am I wasting my time?

Not necessarily, as there is no guarantee either way with these systems. While they don't necessarily increase your turn-by-turn odds of winning, many players have had success using these systems. Just remember that gambling is a form of entertainment like anything else. If you are playing responsibly and having fun, then you shouldn't consider it a waste of money!

Do I have to bet a certain amount of money?

It depends on the system. Some, like the Martingale system, require you to double your bet with each spin. Others, like the Red System, recommend doing smaller increases as you play more and more. Many of these systems are, meaning you can modify them to be friendly to your own personal betting limits. Also keep in mind that many tables have betting minimums that you must comply with, regardless of if you are a system better or not.

Are online casinos aware of these being used? Will I get banned?

Not to be confused with card counting, roulette systems are fine to openly use because there is no 'perfect' system that guarantees wins. Some casinos may even provide you with pen and paper to help you keep track of your bets and follow your system!

By Ion Saliu,
Founder of Gambling Science, Spin Doctor in Roulette Mathematics

I. An Act of Napster-Like Piracy Makes the Super Roulette Strategy Freeware
II. Mathematical Roulette Systems Based on the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG)
  • A. Mathematics of Super Roulette Strategy
  • B. Roulette Systems: Probability = 2/3
  • C. Roulette Systems: Probability = 1/2
  • D. Roulette Systems to Avoid
III. Roulette Software, Actual Casino Spins to Analyze and Test Systems
IV. Roulette, Gambling Resources, Software, Systems, Strategies

I. An Act of Napster-Like Piracy Makes the Super Roulette Strategy Free

The definitive version offered in 1999; first capture by the WayBack Machine (web.archive.org) on December 12, 2005.
  • I was shocked to learn (2005) that a licensed roulette strategy I sold in 2000 became freely available as the music at Napster in the past. At least one guy collected over 300 roulette systems and made them available to everybody.
  • I discovered three of my roulette systems. The first one, Handy, was formerly named Handy-Brandy. It is now known as the Free Winning Roulette System #1.
  • The Licensed roulette system and Limited are one and the same. It is that old roulette strategy I sold in 2000 to a limited number of people. Many of them did not deserve my generosity. I suspect, most of them were casino moles and/or disgruntled gambling authors who sell fraudulent roulette systems.
  • I decided to make the formerly licensed roulette strategy available as freeware. It is an act of justice. The pirates already possess my systems illegally. Let also honest people get to know, and certainly use, my super roulette strategy. My act is an equalizer. If the roulette winners with my systems want to be generous, in addition to being fair, I won't mind!

Most of the gambling roulette systems I saw pile up to nothing more than junk. Very few strategies have some value by just touching mathematics. Surprise, surprise — I saw also Powerplay Roulette on the list! Remember the gambler named Chip who caused some disruption at this Web site? 'Chip Casher' said that Power Play Roulette System sold for some $5,000 (five thousand US dollars!)

  • If PowerPlay Roulette System sells for $5000, then my Super Roulette Strategy must be worth at least $50,000!
  • If Don Young's Roulette System sells for $10,000, then my Super Roulette Strategy must be worth at least $100,000!
  • If Intrinseca Ludica Roulette System sells for $10,000, then my Super Roulette Strategy must be worth at least $100,000!
  • If Epocal Storm Roulette Strategy costs gamblers $40,000, then my Super Roulette Systems must be worth one million dollars ($1, 000,000)!
  • Actually, if any roulette system/strategy/method sells for just $100, then my Super Roulette Systems must be worth at least $100,000!

No exaggeration! Let them take me to court, if they wish or dare — I'd make the same statements and produce compelling evidence! Better still, I suggest you take my statements to the bank! By the way, I licensed my Super Roulette Strategy for only $100 back in the year of grace 2000! No wonder (some of) the gambling suckers I sold my super systems to reacted cutthroat-like against me. They wanted me to STOP licensing my roulette systems!

Here is a long list of roulette systems saved for future reference. I can't believe how much fraud there is! I am suspicious and say it again: Only the casinos would be so fiercely aggressive and sell roulette and gambling strategies priced from US $5000 (five thousand) to US $40000 (forty thousand)! No individual gambling system developer would be thus fearless and dare to sell such outrageously priced casino gambling systems! It could turn deadly for him! Read this page:

  • An inventory of free and outrageously pricedroulette systems.

II-A. Mathematics of Super Roulette Strategy
Mathematical Roulette Systems: Super Roulette Strategy version 3.0
(C) Copyright 1999-2000 Ion Saliu. All rights reserved

(as it first appeared on paper).
  • The roulette systems in this collection are based on The Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). The FFG is presented in detail on my Web page Gambling Formula: Degree of Certainty, Probability, Mathematics, Chance. You can download the page and print it. Although you do not need to memorize it, FFG can help you a great deal in better understanding these systems. The Formula, if understood well, can make clearer that probability events (or random events, or gambling) actually follow precise rules.
  • The infamous gambler's fallacy is, in itself, a mathematical absurdity. In a nutshell, the fallacious fallacy warns that the losing streaks can be indefinite while the winning streaks are non-existent. My probability software Streaks undeniably probes that all streaks, win or loss, follow mathematical formulas. There is bias to the left (L) or bias to the right (W), but at the end of the day every streak occurred according to theory of probability.

A) The probability p for a single zero roulette game is: p = 1/37 = 0.027.
We apply the Fundamental Formula of Gambling to one value of DC (degree of certainty): 66.6% (or 2/3, 2 out of 3 cases). For DC = 66.6%: N = 40.4 (rounded up to 41 spins). There is a 66.6% (2 in 3) chance that each roulette number will repeat after 41 spins. Equivalently, there is a 66.6% chance that the next spin will be a number that also appeared within the last 41 spins.

B) The probability p for a double zero roulette game is: p = 1/38 = 0.026.
We apply the Fundamental Formula of Gambling to one value of DC (degree of certainty): 66.6% (or 2/3). For DC = 66.6%: N = 41.5 (rounded up to 42 spins or 41 for single-zero wheels). There is a 66.6% (2 in 3) chance that each roulette number will repeat after 42 spins. Equivalently, there is a 66.6% chance that the next spin will be a number that also appeared within the last 42 spins.

The accompanying roulette program SuperRoulette simulates spins for the double-zero roulette game in order to cover the worst-case scenario. We'll use now only the final part of the report. After a very large number of spin simulations, the 42-spin value confirmed FFG. Also importantly, even smaller number of roulette spins confirm FFG for a DC = 66.6%. Let's use the Fundamental Formula of Gambling with confidence. That's what formulas are for.

We'll use this number (42) in correlation with limited-steps Martingales (bets based on a Martingale progression). Basically, Martingale represents a gambling betting method. It doubles up the previous bet until the last step of the betting. For example, a 4-step Martingale using a one-unit bet follows this path: 1 unit; 2 units; 4 units; 8 units (step 4, end of betting). Don't worry about using a Martingale: the Formula makes Martingale a closed betting gambling system (a system with a limited number of steps).

  • What you need is a notebook and a pencil. Write down the last roulette spins, from the oldest one available to the most recent spin. Do not start playing until you have at least 42 spins on your piece of paper. I prefer a small notebook with 20 rule lines. Multiples of 10 or 20 make it easy to count quickly the number of roulette spins. Use the roulette report that follows as the template (rows and columns).

The win/loss WL streaks report was generated by the gambling software Super Roulette, available to all registered members of this Web site.

The column Last 26 Roulette Spins reflects a DC (Degree of Certainty — see FFG, Fundamental Formula of Gambling) of 50% (it is 25 for single-zero casino roulette wheels). In half the situations, the next roulette number would have also appeared in the previous 26 spins. I decided not to use a betting system based on a DC = 50%. The losing streak can reach sometimes 10-13 spins in a row. Also, the losing/winning streaks are far more irregular. Instead, I chose to base my gambling betting systems on DC = 66% since the winning/losing streaks are a whole lot more manageable.

SYSTEM 1: Applies to Report Column Last 42 Roulette Spins.
The degree of certainty is 66.6% that the next spin will be a number that also appeared within the last 42 spins. In most cases, there are 25-26 numbers to play, since some numbers are repeats. The advantage of this system: the losing streaks (L or -) are far shorter, more regular, and less frequent.
From the opposite viewpoint, the winning streaks (W or +) are far longer, more regular, and more frequent. We can play a more efficient and safer Martingale.

First, we need to keep a good record of the spins. We (you, if you will) need to make the record accurate and easy to read. AFTER the spin # 42, write down + or W if the number was a repeat from the last 42 spins; or - or L if the roulette number was not a repeat from the last 42 spins. Also, keep writing the numbers drawn. You'll write two rows such as:
16,11,16,15,20,36,28,32,19,28,13,24,2,16,23,31,10,19,27,8,26,27, 00,19,16,12,36,18,9,8,30,6,14,17,25,12,8,3,17,18,10,13, 7,14,2,19,7,24,32,2,25,11,13,29,17,25,25,14,26......... (1st row!)
-- keep a few empty lines for more spins ---
-++++++++-+-+++++ (2nd row)

The bar after #13 marks the start of the betting for System 2. The first number drawn after you marked the start of the betting is 7. It does not appear among the previous 42 spins, so you write a - in the streak column. I prefer +/- rather than W/L because I can visualize easier the winning/losing streaks. The next operation is to write another bar after 16. It will make it easier to figure out the current 42-number roulette block. In this example, it will be between 11 (the number following 16) and 7.

The next number drawn was 14, which appeared also in the previous 42 spins. Write a + in the streak column. Write another bar after 11. The new 42-number block will span between 11 and the 14 just drawn.

So, you always write down the very last number drawn and move the marking bar one number to the right. This way, you don't have to count the previous 42 spins. Place your chips on the numbers between the two bars marking the latest 42-number block. Of course, some numbers are repeats, so you only need to play each number once. In most cases, you'll only play 26 unique roulette numbers (sometimes 24, sometimes 27).

II-B. Roulette Systems Based on p = 2/3 (close to 66.6%)

S1.1: Applies to Report Column: Last 42.Which Is The Best Roulette Betting System
It is very rare that there are more than two consecutive groups of LL or longer than 2L. Therefore, at the end of the 2nd LL or longer streak we'll bet 1 unit on all the numbers drawn in the last 42 spins (24-27 numbers to cover).

In most cases, we'll win right away. If not, we wait for the next LL or longer streak. We'll use a power-3 Martingale: 1-3-9-27 etc. When the LL streak ends, we'll bet 3 units on all the numbers drawn in the last 42 spins. It may be even less frequent to encounter another LL or longer streak. If it occurs, we may regret if we didn't continue the Martingale with a 9-unit bet!

S1.2: Applies to Report Column: Last 42.
In reverse, we can bet on W groups longer or equal to two (WW, WWW, WWWW, etc.) Now, we wait for two consecutive groups of single W.At the next W (after an L) we bet that it'll be another W. In most cases, we'll win right away. If not, we'll bet 3 units at another W after an L.

°° The safer variations on the last two roulette betting methods. We can wait for three single W groups and bet directly $10 or $20 at the very next W after an L. There is no such an occurrence in the report above. It might occur, albeit rarely. We can wait for three LL groups (2L or longer) and bet directly $10 or $20 at the very next L after a W. There is no such an occurrence in the report above.


* You can also bet directly $10 (or 2 units) after the second L in an LL roulette sequence.
° Or, we can bet directly $20 (or 4 units) after the third L in an LLL sequence.

What would the cost amount to? $10 x 26 numbers = $260.
The winning: $36 x 10 = $360.
Profit: $100.

Based on the Fundamental Formula of Gambling, these are the streaks for a probability p=0.666. The degree of certainty DC is 95% that the losing streaks will be no longer than 3 (LLL). The degree of certainty DC is 99% that the losing streak will not be longer than 4 consecutive losses (LLLL).

The chance of coming across 3 consecutive LLL groups is :
5% (0.05) to the power of 3 = 0.000125 (1.25 in 1000).
The chance of coming across 3 consecutive LLLL groups is :
1% (0.01) to the power of 3 = 0.000001 (0.001 in 1000).

Betting On Roulette

The 66.6% probability offers a tremendous advantage over probabilities around 50%. First and foremost, the losing streaks are definitely shorter. There is a 99.9% degree of certainty that the losing streak will be no longer than 6 when p=66.6%. That can make possible to use an intelligent Martingale after a second or (more safely) third loss in a row (LL or LLL). In 999 out of 1000 roulette spins, the L streak will go no longer than 6. Therefore, a Martingale will go no longer than 4 or 5 steps. That is perfectly manageable within the minimum/maximum ratios at the roulette tables.

Secondly, the winning (W) streaks are definitely longer than the losing (L) streaks. It is very rare that two groups of single W will not be followed by W streaks longer than two (WW, WWW etc.). We can reverse the Martingale technique presented above. After the second single W (such as LWLLWL) we'll start another 4 or 5-step Martingale.

We should also expect (high expectation, indeed) that W streaks of 4 or longer are common. Therefore, if we do not see such W streaks in the last 3-4 W streaks, we should bet they will occur soon. If there is a W/L string such as WWLWLLWLWWLLW I can bet there will be another W, and another one.

* The disadvantage of the roulette systems based on p=2/3: the use of a power-3 Martingale: 1-3-9-27-81.
The Roulette Systems based on p=1/2 applies a power-2 Martingale: 1-2-4-8-16...

These roulette systems are a variation of SYSTEM 1, based on the 66.6% degree of certainty. At the same time, they are a reply to the fictitious roulette 'system' presented in the James Bond novels and films. No doubt, the author of the James Bond novels, Ian Fleming is a person with a strong interest in roulette. He noticed what I presented above: the winning streaks tend to be longer than one (WW or longer) for degrees of certainty above 50%.

Fleming, however, has no clue on the mathematical foundations of such occurrences. James Bond plays 1-12 AND 13-24, betting large amounts of money. Since it is fiction, James Bond always wins at the roulette table! Now, if any person in this world will walk to a roulette table and place bets on 1-12 AND 13-24, he/she will win a 2-to-1 payoff 65% of the times at French roulette (64% playing American roulette).

In other words, if you would play this way at any roulette table three times in a row, you will win a 2-to-1 payoff two times (not necessarily twice in a row). You will also lose once, roughly. That's a far cry from the 100% winning insinuated by Fleming in his book Casino Royale.

You should never, ever play in that manner at the roulette table! You should enter the game at favorable moments, as presented in SYSTEM 1. When such favorable moments occur, get ready to use a limited-step Martingale (no longer than 4 or 5 steps). The betting sequences are 1-3-9-27 etc. This is determined by the 2-to-1 payoff when playing 12 roulette number groups (douzaine in French).

When using this betting plan, you are only allowed to place bets on numbers 1 to 36. You are not allowed to include 0 (or 0 and 00) in the groups of numbers you bet on. The 36 numbers can be divided into three groups: A (1-12 and 13-24); B (1-12 and 25-36); C (13-24 and 25-36). Each of the three groups (A, B, or C) has an equal probability: p = 64% (in the American roulette) or p = 65% (in the French roulette). The two probabilities are very close to the degrees of certainty we used as the foundation of SYSTEM 1 (66.6%). Consequently, we will encounter virtually the same composition of the W and L streaks.

SYSTEMS 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 do not require a long tracking session at the roulette table. The table will show the last 20 spins, so you can start betting immediately. You can choose to play only one of the three double-douzaine groups: A, B, or C. Or, you can play two of the groups, or all three groups. It is best, however, to keep track of all three groups. Only one of the three double-douzaine groups will have a stronger advantage over shorter tracking sessions.

We apply the same betting principles presented in SYSTEM 1. The structures of the W+/L- streaks are very close to the W+/L- strings encountered in SYSTEM 1. Keep in mind this mathematical rule. When the probability p is significantly above 50% (10%+ above 1/2), most of the winning streaks (W+) are two in length or longer (WW, WWW, WWWW, etc). On the other hand, most of the losing streaks (L-) are singles (LWWLWLWWWLLWLW...). When betting, we know that only rarely will we encounter:

° More than three consecutive groups of LL or longer (LLL, LLLL ...). Using the +/- notation and a real report generated by SuperRoulette, a W/L streak looks like this: ++-+++--+--+++--++-+
You can see three consecutive groups of LL (--). The very next L group was single (-), ending the L streak longer than or equal to 2.

° More than three consecutive groups of single W+. Using the +/- notation and a real report generated by Super-Roulette special program, a W/L streak looks like this: --+++++----+-+---+++
You can see two consecutive groups of single W+. The very next W group was longer than 2, ending the single W+ streak.

Based on the two probability facts, we can devise two betting methods. They are similar to the methods described in SYSTEM 1.

S234.1: We check to see which of the groups A, B, C has two or more consecutive groups of LL or longer. At the end of two consecutive groups of LLW or longer (LLLW, LLLLW, etc.) we place one unit bet on a douzaine and another unit bet on the other douzaine of the A, or B, or C group. Let's look at a practical example. Group A has had the following streak: ++-+++--+--+++--++-+, or using the W/L notation: WWLWWWLLWLLWWWLLWWLW

You can notice three consecutive LLW groups. The second group is LLWWW; then an L (or -) follows. You start betting right there, after the first L. You know that there is a high probability to get a single L. In this example (a real case, though), you lost your roulette bet. The first L was followed by another one.

The L streak ended with WW. Another L follows. You start betting again after that first L. The probability is even higher now for L to be single (that is, it will be followed by W). Bet now 3 units on the first roulette douzaine of the group and 3 units on the other douzaine of the group. In this case, you won a 2-to-1 bet. You won 3 x 3 units = 9 units. Your cost was 3 units + 3 units = 6 units. The net gain is 3 units. But you lost the previous bet: 1 unit + 1 unit = 2 units. Deducting 2 units from the gain above, your final gain is 1 unit.

S234.2: We check to see which of the groups A, B, C has two or more consecutive streaks of single W.
At the end of two consecutive groups of WL we place one unit bet on a dozen and another unit bet on the other dozen of the A, or B, or C group.

Let's look at a practical example. Group A has had the following streak: --+++++----+-+---+++, or using the W/L notation: LLWWWWWLLLLWLWLLLWWW. You can notice two consecutive LWL groups (isolated W or +). The second group is LWLLL. Then a W (or +) follows. You start betting right there, after the first W. You know that there is a high probability to get a W longer than one (WW, WWW, etc.). In this example, you bet $10 + $10 (after that 1st W) that another W will follow. It actually did happen, so your payoff was $30 ($10 profit).

If it did not happen (as in case S234.1 above), you would continue with a double-up base-3 bet: $30 + $30 = $60. In by-far-most cases, you will win a $90 payoff. The profit would be:
$90 - $60 - $20 = $10.
Do not fear reality. If you lost again, you would continue with a double-up base-3 bet:
$90 + $90 = $180. In the most cases, you will win a $270 roulette payoff. The profit would be:
$270 - $180 - $60 - $20 = $10.
You can still lose another step and double-up within the roulette table maximum bet. Losing that many steps in this manner is so extremely rare, that it may take to play the roulette for many, many thousands of spins in a row.

•• The safer variations on the last two betting methods.
We can wait for three single W groups and bet directly $10 or $20 at the very next W after an L.
We can wait for three LL groups (2L or longer) and bet directly $10 or $20 at the very next L after a W.


* You can also bet directly $10 after the third L in an LLL sequence.
* Or, we can bet directly $20 after the fourth L in an LLLL sequence.

II-C. Roulette Systems Based on p = 1/2 (close to 50%)

We apply the Fundamental Formula of Gambling to a value of DC (degree of certainty): 50% (or 1/2).
For DC = 50% => 25 (rounded up to 26 spins). There is a 50% (1 in 2) chance that each roulette number will repeat after 26 spins. Equivalently, there is a 50% chance that the next spin will be a number that also appeared within the last 26 roulette spins.

I was reluctant to recommend roulette systems based on p=1/2. People may be tempted to use Martingales that a losing streak will end within 4 or 5 steps. Please do not do that: A losing streak can reach 13-15 spins at times, albeit rarely! Instead, I will show you a more intelligent type of betting. They are similar to the systems in category 1. They also use a power-2 Martingale: 1-2-4-8 since the payoff is 1-to-1.

Cross Bet Roulette Betting System

S2.1: It is very rare that there are more than three consecutive groups of LL or longer than 2L.
Therefore, at the end of the 3rd LL or longer streak we'll bet 1 unit on all the roulette numbers drawn in the last 26 spins (17-20 numbers to cover, 18 in most cases). In most cases, we'll win right away. If not, we wait for the next LL or longer streak. We'll use a power-2 Martingale: 1-2-4-8 etc. When the LL streak ends, we'll bet 2 units on all the roulette numbers drawn in the last 26 spins. It may be even less frequent to encounter another LL or longer streak. If it occurs, we may regret if we didn't continue the Martingale with a 4-unit bet!

S2.2) In reverse, we can bet on W groups longer or equal to two (WW, WWW, WWWW, etc.) Now, we wait for three consecutive groups of single W. At the next W (after an L) we bet 2 that it'll be another W. In most cases, we'll win right away. If not, we'll bet 4 units at another W after an L.

°° The safer variations on the last two betting methods. We can wait for four single W groups and bet directly 4 units at the very next Win after a Loss. We can wait for four LL groups (2L or longer) and bet directly 4 units at the very next L after a W.

SYSTEMS 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 cover the even-money bets: Red/Black, Odd/Even, High/Low. They follow the same rules as S2.1 and S2.2.In this case, however, we do not track W/L, but B/r, o/E, H/l.

• Let's take the Black/Red bet. Write first the numbers drawn:

36 10 29 25 16 1 22 4 7 23 26 4 10 29 21 27 16 15 6 37 19 22 29 36 18 16 30 37 35 10 37 15 16.

Next, write down what the roulette number represents: B for black, r for red and x for 0/00:


Bet 2 units after the 1st B in the 4th B group 2 or longer (it is BB after the 3rd r in the row above). We lost, because the BB streak did not end there. The next B (black at roulette) group of 2 Bs or longer meant we lost again; this time we lost 4 units. Another BB group follows and we bet 8 after the 1st B in the group; there is an x, then another B. We win this time. A safer variation is to wait for four consecutive BB or longer groups. They occur far more rarely, however.

We can do the same thing betting on r. You can notice there are 3 rr or longer groups (rrr, rr, rrr). They are followed by a single r (...BxrB...)

• As in System S1.2, we bet on the continuation of singles (single B, single r, etc.). Let's look at this Odd/Even streak:


We bet 2 units after the 3rd single o. We lose. More single o groups followed and we used the following Martingale: 4 (loss) - 16 (loss) - 32 (loss) - 64 (WIN). 64 times $5 = $320, an acceptable maximum limit at most roulette tables. The roulette game in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany has a maximum limit of DM 6000 for even-money bets (for a DM 5 minimum limit).

  • Can you keep track of all the roulette betting systems presented here? It is difficult in the beginning, but not impossible to write down the roulette numbers in rows & columns. Practice in a real casino, at a real roulette table helps a great deal.
  • First practice, then play roulette with real money. The advantage of keeping track of all betting systems: CHOICES. You have plenty of options to choose from in a short time. You don't need to track a large number of spins until one of the favorable situations will come up. It is very likely that you will find yourself in a betting situation right after writing down the first 15 numbers displayed at the roulette table (the marquee).
  • A team of two players at the same roulette table is even more efficient.

II-D. Roulette Systems to Avoid

SA1: Straight-Up Bet on One Favorite Roulette Number Only the payoff is enticing in this case (35-to-1), but you are assured of losing at a rate of 5.26% of your total bets. The roulette software you get with this system (SuperRoulette) shows lengthy reports on each roulette number. The roulette wheel does not favor any number whatsoever. There is a discrepancy among numbers, but there is no strong bias towards a particular one -- unless the wheel is worn out.

Some roulette numbers hit more frequently than others within certain ranges of spins. Percentage-wise, the frequency differences are not mathematically significant. And nobody can accurately predict which number will be more frequent within the next range. The operative word here is SKIP. The SKIP represents the number of roulette spins a number waits between hits. The skip varies between 0 (zero, i.e. consecutive hits; it is also 1: number of spins back) to over 200.

These roulette skip values are absolutely in accordance with the Fundamental Formula of Gambling. It will be common occurrence that your favorite roulette number will skip over 100 spins at any given time (during your playing session). So, what's the big deal of winning $36 after you lost $100? How about waiting 200 roulette spins for your number to hit? It really happens! Also, it is very unwise to track 100, or 200 spins, given the $35 potential win!

Conclusion: I do not recommend you play a favorite roulette number.

SA2: Bet That the Next Roulette Number Will Be a Consecutive Hit

It certainly happens around 26 times in 1000 spins. Playing this way, we still lose 5.26% of our total bets. As you can notice in the SuperRoulette reports, sometimes it happens 35 times (or more!) to encounter consecutive hits in 1000 roulette spins! Indeed, there are these situations: You play on consecutive hits and win 30 times (or more) within 1000 roulette spins. You are a winner! But that doesn't happen all the time, first of all. Secondly, the profit is not that big. Keep in mind also that you can wait for a consecutive hit over 150 spins sometimes...

Conclusion: It's not worth the risk! You should use it only when you must play in order to keep your seat at the roulette table! You can improve the outcome somehow by skipping some spins.

SA3: Instead of betting on consecutive hits, you bet that the next number would have also hit in the last 0 to 9 roulette spins.

It is a combination of the two NON-betting methods presented above. In this case, the situation is more manageable, because the probability p is higher: p = 1/4 (approximately). You remember the rules above. If the probability p is significantly above 50%, there are more frequent winning streaks and shorter losing streaks. Conversely, if the probability p is significantly below 50%, the losing streaks are longer. In the case of p = 1/4, the losing streaks can reach over 30 roulette spins! It's dangerous to bet with the expectation that the next roulette number would have also hit in the last 0 (1) to 9 (10) spins.

Tracking is easier than in the case above, but still difficult. There is a new element we can use in these situations, however: the median. Look at the SuperRoulette roulette software reports (the ROULETTE.REP file). The median for 1 to 10 hits is 2 or 3. In half or a little more than half the cases, the median will be 2. In other words, the next roulette number will be a repeat from the previous 10 spins in a little more than half the cases when this betting hits.

More explicitly: This type of betting hits around 250 in 1000 spins (1 in 4). In a little more than 125 roulette spins, the betting will hit within 3 spins from one another! If you think it is complicated, it probably is. Don't continue to read it, IF you don't understand it! Keeping track of this type of betting is complicated, too. So complicated, that I do not recommend you use this type of roulette betting! Nobody knows better than me how the Fundamental Formula of Gambling works (the configuration of W/L streaks). You should use it only when you must play in order to keep your seat at the casino table! Especially use it when it hit within the last 3 spins.

  • A blackjack version of my streak gambling theory and strategy is presented on this page:
  • Gambling Streaks, Betting Martingale Progressions.
  • See how casinos reacted to my playing the Super Roulette Strategy in Atlantic City:Fearing Losses, Casinos Bar, Ban Winning Gamblers, Skilled Gambling Players.

III. Roulette Software, Actual Casino Spins to Analyze and Test Systems

You can run Super Roulette many, many times and get very similar results every time. This roulette program is a command prompt 32-bit application (runs under Win9x, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8). It replaces the old 16-bit Roulette. Both applications are now identical (32-bit) to diffuse any confusion from my previous writings or software offerings. Read useful information regarding the command prompt, how to best use software in non-graphical mode (much faster than GUI software, especially in lotto).

Look at the main screen of SuperRoulette (also Roulette) casino gambling software.

You can also download here two files with actual roulette spins recorded at the Hamburg, Germany casino. The file HAMB00.DAT covers the period February 1-6, 2000. The other file, HAMB0106.WH1, covers the entire month of January 2006 (7990 real-life roulette spins… I can only assume real or correct or accurate… it's impossible to verify such data!) The data files are ASCII or simple text files. They look very much like the random output files generated by Super Roulette in random mode (Random0.DAT or Random00.DAT). The files contain roulette numbers (spins) only, one number per line. The casino actuals have also other data, such as frequency and various statistics. The files also have dashed lines (----) which probably represent casino dealer changes.

HAMB0106.WH1 that I edited and saved represents the best recording format: Table by table. Do not mix the spins from different roulette wheels in the same file. Also, the most recent roulette spin always goes to the top of the file, while the oldest spin (casino result) goes to the bottom (bottom line). Each file line contains one roulette spin and ends with a carriage return (pressing Enter). Make sure you do not leave any blank lines: They are treated as roulette number 0 (zero). If your file is for double-zero roulette tables, be sure to type 37 instead of 00.

By the way, those files can be precious items! Most casinos do not want to offer real roulette spins. Hamburg Spielbank sometimes offers results (actual spins), sometimes doesn't. Another German casino does the same thing: Spielbank Wiesbaden. You can try casino links like these two (not in directly-clickable format, because they change addresses way too frequently):

  • Read an interesting statistical report:
  • wheel bias, roulette number pairings.
  • If there is roulette wheel bias, then each roulette number must be followed preponderantly by certain numbers.
  • I recommend you also check out that piece of great probability software: Streaks. It undeniably proves that all streaks, win or loss, follow mathematical formulas, NOT the gambler's fallacy.

Which Is The Best Roulette Betting System Free

Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
~ Founded on valuable mathematical discoveries with a wide range of scientific applications, including probability theory applied to roulette gambling, software, Roulette Strategies.

Roulette: Software, Content, Resources, Systems, Super Roulette Strategy

See a comprehensive directory of the pages and materials on the subject of roulette, software, systems, and the

Roulette Hot Number Betting System

Super Strategy.
  • BrightR: PowerfulRoulette Software, Systems.
    It bundles in a convenient system the most important pieces of roulette software, accompanied by a visual tutorial.
  • Theory, Mathematics of Roulette Systems, Strategies, Software.
  • Probability, Odds to Win Roulettein Various Number of Spins: To Be Ahead and Quit.
  • Roulette Wheel Slots, Sectors Systems, Software, Birthday Paradox.
    Of course, my theory, system, and software were pirated already! An Australian group behind the website named genuinewinner.com already sells a $2,500 roulette system. Their advertising logo reads in a picture): We consider which HALF of the wheel the ball landed in. - 'Roulette System that Won Millions!'
  • The James Bond Roulette System, Strategyin the Taliban Desert.
  • Roulette Systems, Threats from a Casino Chairman.
  • Anti-gambler Advice: John Patrick, Casino Mole, Conspirator.
  • Wizard of Odds Had High Praise for Ion Saliu's Gambling Theory.
  • Casinos Intimidate Intelligent Gambling System Authors.
  • Download the best software.
  • Many roulette software programs, casino spins, gambling systems are nicely bundled in BrightR, available to all registered members who pay a one-time low fee to download ALL software titles, programs, updates, upgrades.

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